…. From Previous Clients .. 來自之前的個案 ..
….“Dr. Sun was the only person who my teenage son was willing to talk to during his most difficult times. I can’t express enough of my appreciation for her exceptional work to help my son go from being “paralyzed” to being able to go back to his normal life. He is much more confident and happier now!” .. “Dr. Sun是我兒子在他最痛苦的時期唯一願意與之交談的人。 我真的非常感謝她,幫助我的兒子從什麼事情都做不了的“癱瘓”狀態,到能夠恢復正常生活。 他現在變得比以前更自信和快樂!“ ..“Dr. Sun是我儿子在他最痛苦的时期唯一愿意与之交谈的人。 我真的非常感谢她,帮助我的儿子从什么事情都做不了的“瘫痪”状态,到能够恢复正常生活。他现在变得比以前更自信和快乐!“….
— By K.L.
…. “By working with Dr. Sun, I was able to finally find the strength to end an abusive relationship. I have learned that I am sufficient for myself and don’t need to anxiously please others to get the love and care I deserve. I now have a very loving relationship, thanks to Dr. Sun’s help.” .. “藉著與孫博士的合作,我終於找到了結束一段暴力關係的力量。 我學習到去欣賞且照顧自己,不需要為了獲得我所需要的愛和關懷,去焦急地取悅別人而在過程中迷失自我。 由於這段自我成長的歷程,我現在有一段很美好的感情。“ .. 通过与孙博士的合作,我终于找到了结束一段暴力关系的力量。我学习到去欣赏且照顾自己,不需要为了获得我所需要的爱和关怀,去焦急地取悦别人而在过程中迷失自我。由于这段自我成长的历程,我现在有一段很美好的感情。 “….
— By V.M.
…. From Graduate Students .. 來自之前的學生 ..来自之前的学生 ….
….I was one of Professor Sun’s students and supervisees when I studied in the Master’s Program of Counseling Psychology program at National Kaohsiung Normal University. I am now a licensed counselor in Taiwan and have my own private practice. When looking back on my master’s training, the course that was both the most clinically educational and personally supportive was the practicum supervision offered by Professor Sun.
Professor Sun’s teaching style is clear, orderly, and easy to understand. Meanwhile, it is also very fluid, dynamic, interactive, and lively. The class atmosphere, keenly insightful feedback, professional experience sharing, encouragement, and support were all very helpful for us as supervisees. Her course not only helped us to learn but also nurtured and energized us along the way so that we could deliver the best possible counseling services for our clients.
What impressed me enormously was how Professor Sun had the insight to see far beyond the communication obstacles of each client. Many times, she was able to do this, even beyond her clients’ own awareness and consciousness. She then provided guidance to each individual, in order to help them to be aware of these communication barriers with a gentle and comforting attitude. She strikes a perfect balance between being professionally analytical and respecting each client’s pace and readiness for self-exploration and healing. This is something that many senior professors fail to achieve.
I am thrilled to learn that Professor Sun is opening her own private practice. Through her solid and profound professional ability, she can help more people in need.
— By J.C. a licensed psychological counselor and previous graduate student from National Kaohsiung Normal University
我是孫教授在大學任教時碩士班的學生Jessica。現在我已經是一名諮商心理師,但回顧起碩士時期,讓我最兼具受支持與學習的課程,就是孫教授的督導課程。孫教授教學的方式清楚有條理,但又淺顯易懂,除此之外也很活潑流動,上課氣氛、精準的回饋、專業的分享、鼓勵與支持,都非常有助於實習中的我們學習並且更有能量來面對案主。讓我印象很深刻的還有她能具洞察力地看見案主潛在的癥結點,但又用很舒服溫和的方式引導、貼近;具有專業的解析能力的同時,步調又拿捏得很讓人舒服,這是我看過許多資深的老師沒能做到的事。很開心知道孫教授要開設自己的治療所,可以透過她的能力幫助到更多需要的人。– Jessica, 台灣諮商心理師證照, 高師大諮心組研究所畢業
我是孙教授在大学任教时硕士班的学生Jessica。现在我已经是一名咨商心理师,但回顾起硕士时期,让我最兼具受支持与学习的课程,就是孙教授的督导课程。孙教授教学的方式清楚有条理,但又浅显易懂,除此之外也很活泼流动,上课气氛、精准的回馈、专业的分享、鼓励与支持,都非常有助于实习中的我们学习并且更有能量来面对案主。让我印象很深刻的还有她能具洞察力地看见案主潜在的症结点,但又用很舒服温和的方式引导、贴近;具有专业的解析能力的同时,步调又拿捏得很让人舒服,这是我看过许多资深的老师没能做到的事。很开心知道孙教授要开设自己的治疗所,可以透过她的能力帮助到更多需要的人。 – Jessica, 台湾咨商心理师证照, 高师大咨心组研究所毕业
When I first became an intern counselor, I remember looking forward to returning to school. This was mainly due to being enrolled in the supervision course offered by Professor Sun. In the classroom, as a student, I gained perspective while observing Professor Sun’s professional, objective, and transparent understanding of human nature. This assisted me greatly as a student, and I gradually developed a deeper awareness of how people were built and functioned, the issues individuals face in different stages of their lives, and the behavioral context and growth shaped by each person’s background. I started to have a broader vision, understanding, and knowledge of the human psyche. And with the accumulation of years of solid support, and the belief Professor Sun had in me, a new intern, I continued to build the internal strength I needed to take the steps towards becoming a licensed counselor. Even now, I miss the wonderful times I spent studying as one of Professor Sun’s students. If you are searching for support and guidance during different stages of your life, I highly recommend Professor Sun. She is an exceptional therapist, with rich knowledge, and a warm smile.
— by N.H. a licensed psychological counselor and previous graduate student from National Kaohsiung Normal University
— By NH, 台灣諮商心理師證照, 高師大諮心組研究所畢業
— By NH, 台湾咨商心理师证照, 高师大咨心组研究所毕业
Professor Sun is someone who impressed me and helped me a lot in the process of learning to be a counseling psychologist. Not only is she a professor of courses and textbooks, but she also conveys knowledge and wisdom about life in general, trends, and current news. Professor Sun brought every student into the discussion and encouraged us to have a deeper understanding of people's mental states and psychological dynamics. In this process, I noticed that Professor Sun, herself, kept learning and building upon her own self-awareness, too. She is a professor with high expectations and someone who nurtures continuous progress. No matter what we, as students, encountered personally or professionally, we could ask Professor Sun our questions. She always responded very eagerly, and getting along with her was easy for us. Professor Sun made us feel very comfortable. I am very happy to have had such a professor walk alongside me during an important stage in my life. I also recommend Professor Sun to you!
— by F.T. a licensed psychological counselor and previous graduate student from National Kaohsiung Normal University
— By FT, 台灣諮商心理師證照, 高師大諮心組研究所畢業
— FT, 台湾咨商心理师证照, 高师大咨心组研究所毕业