Counseling & Psychotherapy Fees
Individual Therapy (45 minutes): $315
Couples Therapy (75 minutes): $525
For payment, we accept all major credit cards, HSA, and FSA. Fees per session are due on the day of the session.
My fee reflects my level of expertise, years of clinical, teaching, and research experience, and my dedication to helping my clients thrive.
I do not offer any sliding scales or reduced fees.
If you are looking for a therapist who offers lower fees, you may consider searching on Open Path where therapists offer sliding scales to people in need.
Insurance Information
Before making your first appointment, please contact your insurance plan’s customer service to learn about your Out-of-Network mental health care benefits, deductible, annual allowed amount, and any out-of-pocket costs. Most PPO insurance plans provide reimbursement for mental health services. Peaceful Sunshine is an Out-of-Network provider. If you plan to use the Out-of-Network option to receive reimbursements, we will provide superbills for you. We can also provide invoices for you to claim benefits such as tax deductibles or company reimbursements.
Some companies reimburse psychotherapy sessions as part of their employee benefits. Please ask the HR department in your company for more information.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel a scheduled counseling/psychotherapy session, a minimum of 48 hours in advance of your session is required. If prior and timely notification is not given, you will be charged the full session fee for the missed session. This is a standard practice in the mental health field.
個別心理諮商與治療 (45 minutes): $315
伴侶諮商/婚姻治療 (75 minutes): $525
若您計畫使用保險,建議在預約諮詢前先詢問自己的保險公司 (打電話到保險卡上提供的電話號碼處),你的保險對於網絡外心理治療的保險給付額是多少 (out-of-network psychotherapy reimbursement rate),我們會提供醫療收據 (superbill) 讓您去申請保險給付。
个别心理咨询与治疗 (45 minutes): $315
伴侣咨询/婚姻治疗 (75 minutes): $525
若您计画使用保险,建议在预约咨询前先询问自己的保险公司 (打电话到保险卡上提供的电话号码处),你的保险对于网络外心理治疗的保险给付额是多少 (out-of-network psychotherapy reimbursement rate),我们会提供医疗收据 (superbill) 让您去申请保险给付。