
Hi, I’m Anna.

It’s very nice to meet you!

Whether by phone or email, I will probably be the first person you connect with at Peaceful Sunshine. So, welcome! 

Anna Peaceful Sunshine Page Photo.JPG

I’m the Clinical Assistant/Intake Coordinator/Virtual Assistant at Peaceful Sunshine. I support Dr. Sun with the day-to-day activities for the clinic. It is exciting for me to be a part of Peaceful Sunshine- a very positive, effective service providing individuals and couples with convenient online and in-person therapy. Giving attention to mental health is something I highly value and try to practice every day. I am so happy you have decided to do the same!

My background includes a B.A. in Music and an M.A. in Intercultural Studies. For most of my career, I’ve spent my time in education management, most recently as a Kumon instructor. I coached and developed children in preschool to high school and specialized in collaborating with parents and the local community.

Providing quality of service, timely communication, and strong support are things I hold dear to my heart. I hope to deliver these to you as we take steps together towards greater growth in mental health.


嗨,您好! 我是安娜!

無論是通過電話還是電子郵件,我都很可能是您與Peaceful Sunshine Psychology Inc.聯繫的第一人。所以,歡迎光臨!

我是Peaceful Sunshine的接待預約專員與臨床助理。我為孫博士提供診所的相關行政與聯繫服務。我們診所為個人與伴侶們提供非常積極且有效的心理服務,所以我很開心能身為其中的一員。我非常重視精神健康,並持續地在日常生活中觀照自己的身心狀態。我很高興您也決定這樣做!





嗨,您好! 我是安娜!


无论是通过电话还是电子邮件,我都很可能是您与Peaceful Sunshine Psychology Inc.联系的第一人。所以,欢迎光临!

我是Peaceful Sunshine的接待预约专员与临床助理。我为孙医生提供诊所的相关行政与联系服务。我们诊所为个人与伴侣们提供非常积极且有效的心理服务,所以我很开心能身为其中的一员。我非常重视精神健康,并持续地在日常生活中观照自己的身心状态。我很高兴您也决定这样做!



